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5 Cure’s For Wintertime Sadness

Wintertime sadness has invaded New York with vengeance and I couldn’t be more depressed about it. It’s hard to be a productive person when a cozy warm bed is your other option. There aren’t many things that can cure wintertime sadness (other than Spring) but so far I’ve discovered 5 essential remedies to help with the symptoms.

1 • A quality slow cooker

In the winter, I am all about heavy & hearty stews, soups, and roasts. There’s nothing better than lazily tossing some ingredients into a pot around lunchtime and enjoying an afternoon filled with savory stew smells wafting through the apartment. In addition to feeding you (when your motivation to cook reaches an all-time low), slow cooker meals warm you from the inside out, making you full and cozy and ready to snuggle up into a pile of warm blankets.

2 • Moisturizing bath bubbles

Dry skin follows cold weather like a crusty band of hippies follow the Grateful Dead. Why not cure both flaky skin AND chilly bones in one fell swoop by splashing into a hot bubbly bath full of essential oils? Electric Kool Aid Acid not included.

3 • Scented pine candles

If you grew up in a Christian household, these smells might trigger happy childhood memories of decorating Christmas trees and opening presents. If not, your house will just transform into a beautifully scented pine forest. You will have visions of crackling fires and log cabins and playing in the snow. I suggest one in every room for the full effect.

4 • String lights

The warm soft glow of string lights helps to combat seasonal affective disorder. At least for me it does (I know many people who suffer from S.A.D. use super bright, super concentrated lights). I have 4 sets of white string lights set up around my kitchen and living room, and another 2 multicolored strands in my bathroom and bedroom. I leave them up all year round because they provide such happy, warm, ambient light around the apartment. I also use push pins to draw designs on big areas of wall.

5 • Colorful outerwear

Especially if you live in a big city, the wintertime streets are chock full of stiffs wearing nothing but black. Black leather boots, black hats, black gloves, black peacoat, black everything. Why all the black? Our moods are already dark and foul! Why feed into that? Granted I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have a nice black peacoat that goes with absolutely everything, but I also rock this gorgeous Desigual coat just to spice things up. This thing is magnificent and improves my mood every time I put it on. I feel like a peacock. I stand up straighter. People look at me and smile because they haven’t seen actual colors in weeks. I get so many compliments walking down Wall Street from people who seem relieved to see someone who actually stands out. So get yourself something colorful! It doesn’t have to be anything as whacky as mine (my pink hair lets me get away with a lot of fashion choices like this), but it does have to represent you in some way. So you like baby blue? How about purple? How about lime green? Go find something other than brown or black to wear and add a little spring to every step you take.

Yours in warm slippers,


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